ようこそ Mitamatch Operations へ!
このサイトはアサルトリリィ Last Bullet のレギオンマッチをより深く楽しむためのツールがそろっています。
Recent Updates
Database is now available (preview)
You can check the implementation overviewThis feature is still in preview.
light/dark mode is now available
You can toggle the color mode between light and dark.
Calculator in Deck Builder is now available for preview
You can calculate your deck total damage or recovery, and buff/debuff.This feature is still in preview.
Flow Chart is now available for preview
You can create, edit, and share your flow chart.
Timeline Builder for Web is now generally available (GA)
Timeline Builder is now generally available for Web.You can create, edit, and share your order timeline.
Deck Builder for Web is fully functional
Deck Builder all features are now available.